British Caribbean Veterans: Serving Queen and Country

This new book recognises and celebrates the contribution made by British Caribbean men and women to the Armed Forces and therefore to the Queen and to the country.  It focuses especially on the stories of over 30 men and women who served in the United Kingdom after the 1960s. They are representative of several thousands more people like them who continued proudly, to join up and enter the Army, Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force.  More of these British Caribbeans are currently in the Armed Forces giving their service to the King and the country.

Some comments from Veterans

“Rose, all your hard work has paid off; it’s wonderful.” Elaine, Army Veteran

“It’s a great piece of work.” Roy, RAF Veteran

“Thank you for helping immortalise Caribbean veterans.” Nicole

“I have just been using your book as a source of reference. A very useful compendium.” Paul, JDF Veteran

“What a beautiful book!” Nicolette

“This book is historic, educationally knowledgeable, factually Caribbean.” Lincoln, Army Veteran

“I was almost in tears reading about …journey and where it has taken me. It will take pride of place on my bookshelf and I will encourage everyone to have a read, especially my children who have never seen me in uniform unfortunately and to some extent probably believe I was making it all up.” Keith

Previous release: “Windrush Women of Courage

Tells the stories of 4 amazing Caribbean Women and their travel, work and ambitions as they settle into their new country. Will resonate with every new arrival, whether migrant or immigrant, who thought they knew what they would find when they came to the United Kingdom. Worth a read! Paperback

Breaking Through Racist Clouds

Published 30 October 2020

This is an anthology of 37 stories of the lived experiences of racism, of a small group of people of Caribbean heritage. This is an intergenerational group featuring the voices of amazing people, including Teens to the over 60s.

Getting your voices heard

Speak your lived experiences

Wi likkle but wi talawah’!

REMB VOICES collects stories from people from diverse backgrounds, especially those of Caribbean heritage. The focus is on their lived experiences, speaking to their truths.

Some of humanity’s most impactful journeys are those least explored by the rest of us. They are often to be found amongst the more humble individuals who quietly get on with their lives, in ordinary neighbourhoods. They have gone through extraordinary experiences, travelling across vast oceans and continents. These incredible people are often, continually subjected to discrimination, injustice, poverty and an undeniable pressure to ‘stay in their place’, REMB VOICES aim to search out these unsung heroes of our communities, listen to the thrumming of their voices and persuade them to share their experiences through this tiny, self-published arena.


Our Organization

Find out about our mission and methods which lead to us publishing your stories through our ‘likkle’ platform.


Take Action

Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our collection of stories or write something yourself.

”Member, mi tell you!”

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference.

Make it count.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference.