We have been collecting stories of real, lived experiences of people of diverse ethnicity, but mainly, of Caribbean heritage. We hope to produce them in print form, retaining each person’s authentic voices.


Our Mission

We want to collect, collate and retell experiences, which could lead to the preservation of as much of the rich cultural specifics, which identify the various Caribbean peoples and consequent diaspora living in the UK or elsewhere. That may mean searching out the hidden stories which surround individuals and their families as they journeyed across thousands of miles to seek adventure, improvements economically and build more stories with people they meet and families they create. This living tapestry is so often overlooked and denied. We would be poorer with the loss of their stories; their histories - our heritage.

‘Don’t be in such a hurry to condemn a person because he doesn’t do what you do, or think as you think. There was a time when you didn’t know what you know today.

— Source: Malcolm X

What we have achieved

  • Self-published 3 books so far

    ‘British Caribbean Veterans: Serving Queen and Country’

    ‘Windrush Women of Courage: Stories of Struggle, Resilience and Power’

    ‘Breaking Through Racist Clouds: A Journey in Many Voices’

  • Searched out people’s authentic stories of lived experiences

  • Checked back to ensure that stories are not censored, but representative of the lived realities, which these remarkable people have been through.